Best way to sign up for High Speed Internet

Are you thinking about signing up for a high speed internet (HSI) service? Perhaps you are finally ready to make the leap onto broadband. Maybe you would like to switch from DSL to cable or possibly you are moving soon or have just recently moved. So what is the best way to sign up for high speed internet? The first thing that might come to mind is “Just call up the service provider and request the service”. Well, that is wrong! So what is the right answer?

ccThe best method is to go visit a Circuit City store and sign up for High Speed Internet there. I just signed up for Cox High Speed Internet at Circuit City. Because I signed up at the store, I was able to take advantage of multiple signup deals offered exclusively at Circuit City. I purchased a Motorola Surfboard cable modem for $80 and it included an $80 mail in rebate. I was given a mail-in offer to receive a $175 Circuit City gift card for signing up for High Speed Internet with them. Finally, I was given 50 free music downloads. The modem is optional. If you already have a compatible high speed internet modem, you can skip the modem purchase and just go for the $175 gift card offer and the free music downloads!

If you move often or switch service providers routinely (example: from DSL to cable and vice versa), these sign up offers at Circuit City can prove to be extremely lucrative for you! I hope this helps some of you get the most out of your high speed internet sign up. If you know of any other methods to obtain high speed internet sign up benefits or offers, I would love to hear them. Please reply to the article and let me know.

About Wes Novack

Wes is a Technologist working in the software industry, with extensive experience building and managing highly available applications, services, and systems in the public cloud. He has extensive experience with online publishing and building internet communities. Wes enjoys hanging with his family, getting outdoors, skateboarding, hiking, pickelball, tennis, the vegan lifestyle, and a good cup of tea. You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) @WesleyTech.

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3 Comments on “Best way to sign up for High Speed Internet”

  1. This seems like a very good idea. The only draw-back I can think of is, what sort of service agreement did you have to sign? What does Circuit City get in return for offering these freebeies? How did the contract you signed differ from the one you’d sign when dealing directly with the ISP? Are you locked into any extended time period?

  2. Hello OfZenAndComputing! Thanks for the comment and the mentions on your website. The great thing about the Circuit City broadband signup is that there is no “contract terms” (at least in my area). I have no obligation to stay with Cox broadband for any period of time. I would like to mention one item regarding the $175 giftcard and the modem mail in rebate. In order to qualify for the “prizes”, you need to mail in a copy of your first month’s broadband bill. So you are required to have at least one month of service before qualifying for the freebies.

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