JVC introduces new 4k VHS tape
It’s hard to believe, I know, but JVC is still trying to capitalize on their VHS technology. When DVD was taking the world by storm, they introduced D-VHS with 1080i video, and now they’re attempting to compete with Blu-ray by upping the ante once again.
4k resolution has 3996 × 2160 pixel resolution, and is used in most digital cinemas. Studios have been scanning film at 4k for years for preservation, and it is from this resolution that Blu-ray Discs start before they’re compressed and down-scaled to 1080p. JVC is hoping studios will release their existing library of 4k films on the new X-VHS (I thought “X” went out of common use a few years ago) for the high-end video enthusiasts.
I think this is ridiculous because the only 4k projectors our are professional level. There is very little market for a consumer product like this. Aside from that, who wants to go back to using a VHS rewinder? Who wants to stop a film halfway through to change to the second tape like I had to do with Braveheart? It’s insane! But I guess JVC has always stuck in the past like this, reveling in magnetic tape technologies. Too bad it’s the 21st Century.
Source: Tribute Finance
It’s a great idea for pro use. Probably the single cheapest way for studios to distribute 4K digital film to the theaters without fear of file corruption. After all; Beta had been a dead format since the mid 80’s, but local TV stations have still been using Beta tapes and camcorders for “on the road” reports.
What’s good for home use and what’s good for pro use are often two different things
April Fools!!
I want a 4k vhs
I want it, too…. but with new h.266 I think even 8k VHS at 60 FPS is possible 🙂 would be great!