Verbatim outsources Double Layer DVD production to India

verbatimAn industry insider has informed me that Verbatim has started to outsource their Double Layer DVD production to Moser Baer India (MBI). And while a relationship between Verbatim and MBI is nothing new, it is new that Verbatim has decided to finally start outsourcing their difficult-to-manufacturer DVD double layer discs. When double layer recordable discs were first released, there were rumors that indicated Verbatim ran into quality issues when attempting to outsource the production of their premium optical disc product.

The first shipments are expected to leave MBI around the end of January, so depending on your market, you might start to see “Made In India” Verbatim double layer discs near the end of February or beyond. Verbatim will continue to produce double layer discs at its’ premiere production facility in Singapore for now and consumers should expect to see a mixed double layer product on shelf, some from India and some from Singapore.

The good news for consumers is that the retail pricing of Verbatim double layer discs should decrease once the newly sourced product hits the market. As the price of good quality double layer media continues to drop, the format should grow more and more popular with consumers. Low priced double layer media could mean more trouble for the expensive blue laser disc formats HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc.

Additional information suggests that some retail shops got discounts early due to a miscalculation of when the “new” product would be arriving initially.

About Wes Novack

Wes is a Technologist working in the software industry, with extensive experience building and managing highly available applications, services, and systems in the public cloud. He has extensive experience with online publishing and building internet communities. Wes enjoys hanging with his family, getting outdoors, skateboarding, hiking, pickelball, tennis, the vegan lifestyle, and a good cup of tea. You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) @WesleyTech.

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12 Comments on “Verbatim outsources Double Layer DVD production to India”

  1. So is it time to stock up on Verbatim double layer media? Any idea if the made in India product will be inferior to the Singapore stuff?

  2. I have no idea, so I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions on that one. The made in India product could turn out to be just as good as the made in Singapore product. I’ll have to get my hands on some to find out.

  3. The thing is that Moser Baer doesn’t have the best quality track record for single layer media and Double Layer media certainly isn’t any easier to manufacture (So far only MKM from Singapore has been the only truly dependable D/L media). I certainly won’t be buying any unless they reach well under $1 a disc. Of course if it brings down the price on the media as a whole and I can still get the MIS MKM then I can live with this.

  4. Good point Jester. If this brings down the price of MIS (Made In Singapore) media, then we could just continue buying the trusted and true MIS product.

    But, if the MII (Made In India) product is also good, it will really be a great situation. And perhaps the MIS product will be discontinued eventually? We’ll have to wait and see.

  5. I’ve just got a pack of 100 x DVD-R from

    I was hoping to get the ‘made in taiwan’ stuff as these have been very good for me in the past (excellent quality scans in nero etc) but the India stuff is complete CRAP – always poor quality dye at the edge of the disc – the last 20%/25% of the scan shows huge a increase in PIFPIE errors.

    Very disappointed with Verbatim. If the single layer DVD-R from india is anything to go by then the DL stuff will be expensive waste bin filler.

    Come on Verb, you guys know how difficult it is to get good quality DVDs for long term storage, dont ruin the Verb brand name – please.

  6. I just found this article on google. I have been ordering verbatim 20 pack dvd+r dl spindles on a regular basis and out of nowhere I started having recording errors, recordings that reported “successful” and ended up not being readable in any other device etc. I noticed that these new “defective” spindles are indeed manufactured in India. I am going to miss the good old days of having Singapore made dvd+r dls. India obviously can’t handle making a reliable product.

  7. Unfortunately, I have heard of more problems with the Made in India DVD+R DL discs. If you can find the Made in Singapore or even Made in Taiwan DVD+R DL Verbatim discs, that is still your best option for double layer media.

  8. I bought a 20 stack of Verbatim DVD+R Double layer 8.5 GB discs and every disc in the stack was defective!!!! Verbatim should issue a recall on these discs. Will never buy them again. Buyer beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. The moser bear dl dvds are pathtic. I bought 20 dvds and only 1 is working. others gives power calibration error while burning with nero.

  10. Made-in-India discs rock………

    good quality and very good price..I love them.

    moser bear India is the 2nd largest media producer in the world.

    You can’t become 2nd largest if quality is not good and your product does not sell.
    so, go ahead any try.. I am sure you will love them.

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