Xbox 360 elite HD DVD bundle on Amazon

Xbox 360 elite HD DVD bundle on Amazon is now featuring a special Xbox 360 elite HD DVD bundle on the front page of their Video Game category.

This specially priced package is listed at $599.99 and includes the Xbox 360 elite, the HD DVD Add-on and the Warner film “300”, which appears on the HD DVD/DVD combo format. Universal Studio’s “King Kong” HD DVD is included in the HD DVD Add-on package and the purchase is also eligible for the 5 free HD DVD movie offer via a mail-in rebate form.


This deal appears to be the first Microsoft Xbox 360 bundle that includes the HD DVD Add-on drive, highlighting the high definition playback capabilities as the main selling feature. Sitting at $599.99, this Xbox elite HD DVD bundle looks to be in direct competition with Sony’s PS3 80GB gaming console, which is currently retailing for the same price.

It is certainly nice to finally see an Xbox 360 HD DVD bundle from Microsoft, but in my opinion, there should have been an HD DVD bundle available a long time ago. The bundle will increase awareness of the HD DVD format and will also lead to more HD DVD sales in the long run. This HD DVD bundle has only been spotted on Amazon currently and there is no telling whether or not this package will have widespread availability at multiple retailers.

Now if only they would make a new black colored HD DVD Add-on to go with that slick, black colored Xbox 360 elite…

About Wes Novack

Wes is a Technologist working in the software industry, with extensive experience building and managing highly available applications, services, and systems in the public cloud. He has extensive experience with online publishing and building internet communities. Wes enjoys hanging with his family, getting outdoors, skateboarding, hiking, pickelball, tennis, the vegan lifestyle, and a good cup of tea. You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) @WesleyTech.

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2 Comments on “Xbox 360 elite HD DVD bundle on Amazon”

  1. I’m not sure if this is a bundle directly from Microsoft, however I”m sure that Microsoft did approve it. An official bundle from Microsoft would probably also become available at other retailers. Amazon has been known to put together their own special deals and prices — they “prematurely” put out Toshiba’s HD-A20 and HD-XA2 players at lower prices a couple of weeks early back in July.

  2. At E3, Microsoft did announce they were going to be pushing HD DVD more, and this must be the first bit of that.

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