Blu-ray Disc Rot video

Blu-ray Disc Rot video
Users on the AVSForum have reported that some Blu-ray movie discs are corroding into expensive pieces of unusable plastic. The term “disc rot” is being thrown around due to the presence of a speckling of dots found on the recording side of the damaged discs. The Blu-ray Disc title “The Prestige” has been the most reported movie experiencing this issue.

Here is a video on YouTube that shows off some of the photos and movie titles that have been mentioned and shown in the AVS thread. Please forgive the anti-Blu-ray and anti-Sony comments at the end of the video, the YouTube video author slipped those in.

[youtube mE21Bb4tWS4]

Fortunately, the problem appears to be isolated to a very small number of discs. Only a few users have reported the problem and it was likely caused by a bad batch of materials, poor quality control, or a combination of both at the disc replication facility. TheDigitalBits contacted Buena Vista Home Entertainment (distributor of The Prestige), who issued the following statement about the issue.

“We encourage customers that are experiencing any kind of problem with The Prestige Blu-ray disc to call our Consumer Relations hotline at 800/477-2811. It is important to conduct forensic examinations of the affected discs in order to rule out any form of external tampering. Our customers are first and foremost and Buena Vista Home Entertainment always strives to meet the highest standards for the consumer.”

About Wes Novack

Wes is a Technologist working in the software industry, with extensive experience building and managing highly available applications, services, and systems in the public cloud. He has extensive experience with online publishing and building internet communities. Wes enjoys hanging with his family, getting outdoors, skateboarding, hiking, pickelball, tennis, the vegan lifestyle, and a good cup of tea. You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) @WesleyTech.

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2 Comments on “Blu-ray Disc Rot video”

  1. Rot was a problem way back, when CD`s and Laserdisk first came out, it was due to dirt getting between the layers at the manufacturing level, but it only used to turn up years after manufacture. That it`s happening with blu-Ray only after a couple of months is very alarming.

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