Blu-ray love: Why do you love Blu-ray Disc?

Blu-rayLoveBlu-ray lovers, speak your mind!
On this Valentines’ Day, I decided to ask my readers and the internet community why they love the Blu-ray Disc format. There are a lot of reasons that people might choose Blu-ray over HD DVD, some of these reasons might include a wider selection of titles available on Blu-ray, owning a PS3 or the availability of Blu-ray burners. Whether you are an avid Blu-ray supporter, a fanatic, an early adopter or you just simply like Blu-ray better, I want to know why!

Post in the comments section of this article to let me know why you opt for Blu-ray instead of HD DVD. If you love HD DVD instead of Blu-ray, please post in this article.

About Wes Novack

Wes is a Technologist working in the software industry, with extensive experience building and managing highly available applications, services, and systems in the public cloud. He has extensive experience with online publishing and building internet communities. Wes enjoys hanging with his family, getting outdoors, skateboarding, hiking, pickelball, tennis, the vegan lifestyle, and a good cup of tea. You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) @WesleyTech.

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8 Comments on “Blu-ray love: Why do you love Blu-ray Disc?”

  1. The image is better than any high-def satellite or cable channel. The quantity of software and hardware support ensures I won’t be stuck with a dead format.

  2. My PS3 automagically makes me a Blu-ray supporter. No sense in me going out to purchase an HD DVD drive when I’ve got a Blu-ray player right here in my PS3.

  3. I love Blu-ray because we can burn BD discs! There’s no HD-DVD burner yet eh?

    If there’s HD-DVD burner I still love Blu-ray since it can burn 25GB within 23 mins! 😉

    Also next month there will be few brands releasing hybrid but still BD burners and HD-DVD “reader”, ie LG GGW-H10N. 🙂

  4. Any movie in h.264 on a 30 GB Hd-DVD will look 20 GBs better on a 50 GB BD in h.264. nuff said.

    besides, you need 50 GB for amazing looking HD tv shows. Ever seen stargate sg-1/atlantis on SkyOneHD? yes the quality is stellar and you could fit that quality on HD-DVDs, but Blu-ray will be better. How about 50 GBs of 30+mbit h.264 goodness per disc?!?! It’ll be heaven on earth! Hopefully they’ll make the bitrates that high of course…

  5. I don´t need to spend time writing about graphics, sound, capacity, burning functionality, etc…. this is a natural result of the high technology…
    I am from Brazil, I live in Sao Paulo, and I am fanatic about Blue Ray since the very beginning when discussions about the format was populating around the world. Reading the technical articles I understood that choosing BD I wouldn´t make mistake, wouldn´t regret, because of its technology, flexibility, future capacity of update, partnership in games and cinema areas, and the actual status is a positive answer to my decision. I bought PS3 last week in New York, and my kids first question was: “is it for you or for us???”
    Then, one said to the other: “it seems that we will not have too much chance to play…..soon he will by another one”.

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