Free HD DVD player at Best Buy
If you’re planning on buying a surround sound system, why not head down to Best Buy and pick up a Yamaha/Klipsch system for $899 and get a free Toshiba HD-A3 for your troubles. Yamaha is known for high-quality receivers, and Klipsch has been a pioneer in speaker manufacturing for 60 years so you’re not getting a shady system by any means.
While you’re there, Best Buy has a Buy 1 Get 1 Free sale on select HD DVD discs this week as well. And while you’re in a spending mood, Amazon has over 150 HD DVD titles at 50% off.
Also at Amazon is the new low price of the Microsoft Xbox360 HD DVD add-on at $119. This price was matched by Best Buy’s online store as well.
If you’re still into that sort of thing, HD DVD has a solid week of deals for the budget-minded consumer.
when I can get the bourne trilogy for free and the xbox add on for less than a hundo I will consider it…..