LG promises full interactivity support on next dual-format player
Last year, LG shook the high-def war by releasing the first ever dual-format player, the “Super Blu” BH100 player plays both Blu-ray and HD DVD – however it was not officially licensed by the DVD Forum so it does not display the HD DVD logo and lacks HDi functionality.
Later this month LG will release the BH200 dual-format player which will be the first player with the BD “full profile specification” mandating Blu-ray advanced features such as picture-in-picture playback. On the HD DVD side of things, this player will receive the HD DVD logo and will be fully HDi compliant.
The HD DVD group has been relatively effective in promoting their new interactive features including on-line connections to movie trailers and shopping-cart features.
Pioneer and Daewoo have both announced full profile Blu-ray players for later this year.
Thanks to Video Business for the original story.