Motörhead HD DVD features new interactivity
If you’re into British heavy metal band Motörhead, as I am, you will be pleased to hear SPV is releasing a music HD DVD of Stage Fright.
The music HD DVD release will feature never-before-seen interactivity; aside from picture-in-picture video commentary, custom photo galleries and playlists, Stage Fright will have networking features that will update fans with band news, pictures and fan art. An online section allows fans to upload pictures to share with the community.
This will be released Sept. 3 only in Europe, but with HD DVD’s lack of region codes you can import it and play it on any HD DVD player in the world.
For more information and screenshots, visit the official website: HD DVD Germany
I read about this HD DVD a week or two agao and I was going to post about it.
Specifically, I believe this is the world’s first “music HD DVD” aka concert HD DVD to feature PiP and/or web-enabled features.