Paramount returns to Blu-ray
The circle is complete, Paramount Studios has come back to Blu-ray. This really isn’t news because it only makes sense that they would do this after Toshiba closed up shop. I don’t expect any more news concerning the so-called “war” anymore, certainly not from me. Of course anything is possible these days.
“We are pleased that the industry is moving to a single high-definition format, as we believe it is in the best interest of the consumer. As we look to [begin] releasing our titles on Blu-ray, we will monitor consumer adoption and determine our release plans accordingly.”
There was no mention of Dreamworks in the statement, but it’s assumed they’re on board as well.
This truly is a victory for the consumer, no matter what the HD DVD fanboys say. One format will give the consumer choice in movies, manufacturers and price points two competing formats doesn’t offer. It will spur competition within the industry for the best quality product. Before you know it we’ll have Suzanne Somers coming to Blu-ray Disc.
turns out accepting that $150 million was a good idea. definitely made up the sales they missed during their ~ month absence.
plus they already have blades of glory and other titles ready to sell.
Nice to see all the studios behind one format… finally…
Now if only we could get those BD Profile 2.0 players and Discs out on the market faster…
No kidding. We have had clients calling every day since the big news wanting to upgrade their DVD players to Blu-ray and we can’t order any because the distributors are out of stock.