Toshiba HD DVD / HDD recorders announced
This week, Toshiba announced two new HD DVD / HDD standalone recorders, the HD DVD VARDIA RD-A600 and the HD DVD VARDIA RD-A300. These new devices can record high definition television to either an HD DVD-R disc or a built in hard disk drive.

“The new DVR introduce the ability to record two digital HD television programs simultaneously, and also integrate Toshiba’s new “VARDIA engine”, which supports significant enhancements to ease of use and performance, including faster drawing of the graphic user interface (GUI) and improved HD DVD disc operation. The HD DVD VARDIA RD-A600 and HD DVD VARDIA RD-A300 will be rolled out in the Japanese market from the end of June.”
The pricing on these new Toshiba recorders is undetermined at this time, but AV Watch is estimating a price tag of approximately $1,644 for the RD-A600 (600GB HDD) and $1,233 for the RD-A300 (300GB HDD).
One of the coolest features of these devices is the ability to record two different HD programs at the same time. The included HD DVD-R burner will also allow owners of this device to offload content onto optical media to free up space on the internal hard drive. It sounds like a fantastic device, but the high price tag is going to turn off almost everyone except the most hard core AV and home theater enthusiasts. Found via CDRLabs.