Black Friday Guide – The busiest shopping day of the year

Black Friday is alleged to be the busiest shopping day of the year. What and when is Black Friday? Black Friday occurs immediately after Thanksgiving day. On this day, stores will offer discounts, deals and doorbuster sales that cannot be found at any other time of the year. To get the most out of Black Friday, read this reference guide, which contains links to many valuable Black Friday resources.

Black Friday Buying guide:
Free After Rebate items:
Black Friday Deals guide:
Consumer Reports offers Holiday shopping tips:
Black Friday free items (no purchase required):
Black Friday tips and tricks:

And here are some other really good “hot deals” discussion websites:

If you have your own tips, tricks or online resources related to Black Friday shopping, we would love to hear them. Post a comment below with your info!

About Wes Novack

Wes is a Technologist working in the software industry, with extensive experience building and managing highly available applications, services, and systems in the public cloud. He has extensive experience with online publishing and building internet communities. Wes enjoys hanging with his family, getting outdoors, skateboarding, hiking, pickelball, tennis, the vegan lifestyle, and a good cup of tea. You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) @WesleyTech.

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3 Comments on “Black Friday Guide – The busiest shopping day of the year”

  1. It is a popular misconception that Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. In truth, December 23rd was the busiest shopping day last year and based on the calandar it will take the title again this year.

    Regardless, I will be camping out at my local Best Buy starting somewhere around 10 p.m. tonight. I plan on getting the Panny 42 inch plasma and the 250 buck Toshiba lappy 486.

    Anyone care to join me?

  2. Thanks for the tip on the 42″ plasma and the laptop.
    I was able to snag one of the plasmas, but the computer section at Bestbuy was insane! no $250 laptop for me!

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