How to win Raffle prizes – The Raffle Contest Guide

I recently attended a local festival in town promoting local businesses in the Phoenix area. The event featured many different vendors, each with a tent-like setup. Free food, drinks, music, merchandise, massages, and other services were offered at the event. Here is how I won valuable raffle prizes.

While browsing the event area, I noticed that they had a raffle contest running. The raffle entry cost was $1 per ticket, which entered you into multiple drawings throughout the day with the chance to win a variety of prizes. Personally, I am not a big fan of raffle contests, but in this case, I evaluated the contest and determined that it would be extremely easy to win some prizes. There were multiple drawings occurring throughout the day and the prizes were of good value. Many of the prizes that were to be awarded throughout the raffle were valued at $50 or greater. I decided to enter the raffle, purchasing 20 tickets. Total cost to me was $20.

Over the next few days, I was notified that I had won the following prizes:
A $50 Gift Certificate to L’Amore Ristorante Italiano – an upscale Italian Restaurant
A T-shirt from a local musical group
Success! My $20 paid off. So how do you know when to enter a raffle or not?

  1. Evaluate the prizes. If the raffle contest has crappy or low-value prizes, don’t bother entering.
  2. Evaluate the entry fee. A cost of $1 per raffle ticket is a great deal for a raffle offering $50 prizes. In a case like this, buy lots of tickets!
  3. Evaluate the competition. If you can see how many people have already entered, you can gauge the likelihood that you will win and determine your odds. At the event I described above, there were not too many tickets in the purchased-ticket raffle bucket. Due to this, I decided to purchase 20 tickets! All of the other people there were only purchasing one ticket.
  4. Find out how many drawings there will be. A raffle with multiple drawings throughout the day increases your likelihood of winning! Get in early and you have more chances to win.

I hope this guide will help you determine whether or not to enter a raffle contest the next time the opportunity is upon you! Have fun, good luck and happy raffleing!

About Wes Novack

Wes is a Technologist working in the software industry, with extensive experience building and managing highly available applications, services, and systems in the public cloud. He has extensive experience with online publishing and building internet communities. Wes enjoys hanging with his family, getting outdoors, skateboarding, hiking, pickelball, tennis, the vegan lifestyle, and a good cup of tea. You can find him on X (formerly Twitter) @WesleyTech.

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9 Comments on “How to win Raffle prizes – The Raffle Contest Guide”

  1. Meh, I’m not too impressed with this article personally. It was one of the first for the new site and I through it up quickly. Thanks for the comment though. 🙂

  2. i have this raffle draw, it’s against the whole school and teachers which would be about 1000 people all together. the prise for 1st. place is an ipad 2 32GB Wifi 3G, prise for 2nd. place is $300 dollar shop voucher, 3rd. place is an apple ipod touch 8GB. each raffle ticket costs $2, and also selling raffles. How to sell them, who to ask? and the homeroom with the most sold raffles gets to have morning tea with justice crew? and the person with the most sold raffles gets a $300 voucher from apple. Do you also have any tips to sell or any tricks to give tickets. you can’t choose which number you give in, and you can buy your own tickets too.

  3. Heres another type of winning : wrinkle the ticket or paper a little so the person drawing it will feel the softness and choose it and people usually people smooth before they put it in so try that one day hope this helped 🙂

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