Kaleidescape to release online retail store
Kaleidescape has been under the gun on the legal front lately, and they’ve also been beaten up by online streaming services too. The former problem is up to the court system of California, but Kaleidescape is tackling the latter by getting in on their own online retail store. The store will be accessed at store.kaleidescape.com.
The details are not in yet. All I know so far is that the storefront is being tested for release soon. But based on my knowledge of Kaleidescape Systems, I think I can make some safe predictions.
Kaleidescape is a very emphatic supporter of owning content. I can assume with great certainty that the store will provide purchases of movie titles which will be stored on the local hard drive of the Kaleidescape System.
The service will probably have the same limitations Amazon and Vudu has as it relates to obtaining titles. A few new titles will be available, but most of them will be lesser-known catalog titles.
The video quality will be high-def, and the cost will be slightly more than a similar purchase from Vudu.
I’ll have more information on this online storefront soon.
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